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Premiere Remote Video Monitoring Systems

Remote Video Monitoring

Finally, an affordable, quality supervised video system!

If you’ve ever considered purchasing a video system for your home or business but didn't due to cost, there is good news for you. We have harnessed the power of the internet to provide you with a high-quality and affordable video surveillance and security system.

Affordable quality supervised VIDEO MONITORING

What Are The Benefits Of Remote Video Monitoring?

  • Save money: We’ll use your current broadband internet connection and router to transmit the video to our bank of video servers. You can save thousands of dollars because you don’t have to buy a DVR.
  • Easy access: You can access your video anytime, from anywhere. View your cameras in live mode or playback recorded video using your desktop, laptop or PDA.
  • Secure storage: Your video is stored safely and securely off-site for up to 60 days where it is time and date stamped. Our encryption process assures that only you can access your video.
  • Web-based service: No software to install or update and no DVR to fail, get destroyed, stolen or turned off. The interface uses point and click making it very, very easy to use.

HOME SECURITY  Remote Video Monitoring

How Remote Video Monitoring Works

Using your current router and broadband connection (Cable or DSL), our proprietary software sends live streaming video from cameras installed in your home or business over the internet where it is recorded and stored for your review.

 You can check in and watch what’s going on anytime, anywhere as long as you have access to a high-speed internet connection.

You can also watch previously recorded video surveillance from any of the cameras whenever you like.

 We can even alert you that an event has occurred by sending you a text or email message.

All surveillance video is time and date stamped for added security.

 No expensive PC’s or servers to buy. All you need are one or more cameras, a router, and a broadband connection. There's no complicated programming to learn. With our software, all you have to do is point and click and you'll quickly and easily be monitoring your home or business security system.


Security Cameras as a Part of the Security System

Finally, homeowners should decide whether they want to have cameras included in their home security systems. If you have children at home alone, babysitters or other staff, you might want security cameras to be your eyes when you can't physically be in the house. Security cameras can also be an effective way to identify criminals, speeding up the process of finding the perpetrator after a crime. They can also act as a deterrent, particularly if they are installed visibly outside of the home.

With so many different options for home security systems, it's important to give some thought to all the various factors involved. Wired versus wireless systems, the addition of security cameras, whether you rent or own your home, how you monitor your system, and even total price are all factors that might influence your final purchase.


Alarms Unlimited Total Security Systems

Please use the form below to request a quote from Alarms Unlmited, Inc -- Total Security Solutions.



Alarms Unlimited Total Home Security Alarm Systems